July 8, 2024

Interview with Emery Robichaud - Crypto Insights

Interview with Emery Robichaud - Crypto Insights
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Crazy Courage Business Stories

Emery Robichaud is a crypto expert who shares his knowledge through newsletters, consultations, and a crypto course. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the broader geopolitical and economic implications of cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin is well-known, there are many other projects and companies in the crypto space. Emery believes that cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize every industry and become the future of finance. However, he cautions that not all cryptocurrencies are created equal and that Bitcoin may not be the best option for everyday transactions due to its volatility and scalability issues. He advises investors to research and diversify their crypto holdings. In this conversation, Emery discusses the relationship between Bitcoin and the stock market, the cyclical pattern of Bitcoin's price, and the impact of the M2 money supply on Bitcoin's value. He also explains the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum, emphasizing their respective roles and utility. Emery shares his insights on the future of cryptocurrency, including the potential for blockchain to revolutionize industries such as carbon credits and real estate. He advises on the importance of diversification and realistic expectations when investing in cryptocurrencies. The conversation also touches on NFTs and their potential utility in the metaverse.


Crypto expert Emery Robichaud shares his knowledge through newsletters, consultations, and a crypto course.

Understanding the broader geopolitical and economic implications of cryptocurrency is crucial.

Bitcoin is well-known, but there are many other projects and companies in the crypto space.

Cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize every industry and become the future of finance.

Not all cryptocurrencies are created equal, and Bitcoin may not be the best option for everyday transactions.

Investors should research and diversify their crypto holdings. Bitcoin closely follows the movements of the stock market, with a one-day lag. Ethereum has also started to exhibit similar patterns.

Bitcoin's price is influenced by the M2 money supply, as it reflects the availability of money for investment.

The future of cryptocurrency lies in solving real-world problems and gaining adoption. Utility and value are key factors to consider when investing.

Diversification is crucial when investing in cryptocurrencies, both within the asset class and across different asset classes.

NFTs have varying levels of utility, with some offering access to exclusive features in metaverses. However, caution is advised when investing in NFTs, as many are speculative and lack long-term value.

Sound Bites

"This guy is, he knows crypto, frontwards and backwards."

"I don't want you spending all your money on me or somebody else to get information and you have nothing left to invest, right?"

"I'm not sure if my bank's gonna be around forever. So maybe I should kind of diversifying my assets outward."

"Bitcoin follows the stock market pretty closely. It's usually a day behind."

"Bitcoin's price pattern follows the M2 money supply. When the M2 goes up, Bitcoin goes up; when the M2 goes down, Bitcoin goes down."

"Ethereum is the gold standard for smart contract platforms."

Emery can be reached at:


